Discover the New Closed Edge Technology in AkyPak® Reusable Packaging Solutions

Today, we’re pleased to introduce our latest advancement in reusable packaging: the new closed edge technology.
Corplex Eslovaquia, Slovak Telekom y Packeta Eslovaquia: Una unión líder en sostenibilidad en envasado y logística
La adopción de envases reciclables por parte de Corplex Eslovaquia, Slovak Telekom y Packeta Eslovaquia supone un paso monumental hacia un futuro más sostenible.
Corplex launches a reusable and easy to fold AkyPak® Pop ’n Drop container

This recently patented eco-efficient packaging solution is part of Corplex’ commitment to research, develop, design and launch innovative products bolstering ergonomics and simplicity in intralogistics processes.
Las bandejas reutilizables AkyPak® de Corplex son ideales para proteger prótesis médicas

LINK, líder alemán en el mercado mundial de prótesis articulares de gran tamaño, buscaba una solución de embalaje a medida para transportar productos de artroplastia.
Corplex Make Inroads in the Aerospace Industry with a Customisable Returnable Container

A leading developer of airplane components is currently using Corplex AkyPak® reusable containers for intralogistics transportation of aeronautical components.
German’s Freiburg Stadium now Featuring an AkyVer® Polycarbonate Skylight

“The public at the other side of the Rhine in Germany are now delighted to see the Freiburg Stadium construction finished with a most impressive skylight.” The stadium’s skyline consists of AkyVer polycarbonate energy-efficient systems made by Corplex.