Mondial Tissus apuesta por embalajes de transporte reutilizables

Mondial Tissus_Corplex

Mondial Tissus apuesta por embalajes de transporte reutilizables El reto: Encontrar una alternativa sostenible y eficiente a los palés de madera y las cajas de cartón desechables La solución: Una solución personalizada y reutilizable gracias a Corplex El Resultado: Resultados concretos y cuantificables: simplicidad, ahorro y eficiencia Descargar el Caso de Estudio

CORPLEX SLOVAKIA SRO Achieves Silver Status EcoVadis Sustainability Rating for 2024

CORPLEX_Silver EcoVadis Award Slovakia

At Corplex, we embrace the transformative journey towards a circular economy. Our unwavering dedication to sustainability and innovation, combined with our expertise in design, manufacturing, and recycling, empowers us to facilitate this transition. We aim  to maintain our robust global presence by consistently delivering pioneering products and services that align with our customers evolving needs. […]

Corplex Plastics UK Ltd Achieves Bronze Status EcoVadis Sustainability Rating For 2024

Ecovadis - Bronze Status for Corplex UK

At Corplex, we embrace the transformative journey towards a circular economy. Our unwavering dedication to sustainability and innovation, combined with our expertise in design, manufacturing, and recycling, empowers us to facilitate this transition. Our aim is to retain our robust global presence by consistently delivering pioneering products and services that align with our customers evolving […]

CORPLEX Wormhout awarded Label MORE for 3rd year running

Label MORE WH blog

We are delighted to announce that our Wormhout site has been awarded the MORE 2024 label for the third year running! This label, which recognises the use of Recycled Raw Materials (RRM) in our production, is a fine European recognition of our commitment to the circular economy. This success is first and foremost the fruit […]

Corplex Slovakia Wins «Green Company» at the prestigious Via Bona Awards

Corplex Slovakia wins Green Company at Via Bona Awards

We are delighted to announce that Corplex Slovakia has been awarded the «Green Company» by Nadácia Pontis (Pontis foundation) during 23rd annual award ceremony of Via Bona Slovakia, thanks to our innovative project to ship mobile phones in reusable boxes in partnership with Slovak Telekom and Packeta Slovakia.  An Innovative Reusable Shipping Box An innovative […]

Corplex, shaping the future of packaging in Europe

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We are proud to announce our active participation in the future of packaging in Europe, by having been elected as the president of the New European Reuse Alliance (New ERA).    The New European Reuse Alliance is an organisation dedicated to the promotion and development of reusable packaging in Europe. New ERA brings together companies, […]

Libro Blanco: La economía circular

Circular economy featured image

Libro Blanco:La Economía Circular La economía circular es la forma de garantizar un uso inteligente de nuestros recursos naturales. Los plásticos circulares representan una muy buena solución para reducir su huella de CO2, ya que los mismos materiales se reutilizan repetidamente.   La aplicación de sistemas de reutilización de circuito cerrado mejora aún más esta […]

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